Kenmore Mice Control  – Local Mice  Control Service in Kenmore WA

Call  (425) 270-8360 To Speak with a professional Mice Control

Having a rodent infestation in your home can be very upsetting and can affect you and your family’s lives in many ways. For one thing, you could be concerned about the embarrassment and stigma that can go along with having mice in your home, and you could be feeling more than a little bit grossed out in knowing that you are currently sharing your home with rodents. Plus, you could be concerned about mice getting into your food supply, leaving droppings around your kitchen and elsewhere in your home and even chewing through wires.

All of these things can be big problems, but you should know that having a mice control issue in your home is not necessarily your fault. These rodents can come from a neighbor’s home, a nearby field or elsewhere in search of food and shelter, even if your home is very clean. Luckily, hiring a mouse exterminator can help you with your problem.

Kenmore Mice Control Service

Of course, you might have heard of buying mouse traps, mouse poison and more to use in your home, but you should know that using the services of a mouse exterminator is generally a much better idea. For one thing, traps can be dangerous and sometimes aren’t very effective. Additionally, you have to worry about your kids or pets being harmed by the poison that you could be thinking about putting out in your home. If you work with a good exterminator who is experienced in mice control, you can help ensure that you take care of the problem in an effective and safe way.

Plus, you could find that hiring a mouse exterminator is cheaper than you think. If you contact our company today, we can tell you more about our mice control services and the other pest control services that we have to offer. We can also give you a free quote. You do not have to continue living with rodents or other pests in your home; instead, give us a call so that we can help.



Call the Kenmore Pest Control Pros for the best mice control service in the local area. We are a great exterminator who can solve your problem today.

Mouse Infestation and How to Deal with them

Mouse infestation can happen at any time and as cute as mice may seem, they are dangerous guests. Mice carry a variety of disease, as well as love to chew on anything they can get in their mouth. The critters are always on the lookout for a warm haven and food. Mice can be seen scampering around the home and heading for a hiding place if they think they are in danger. If you see one mouse, you can be sure there are others.

The tell tale sign of a mouse infestation is their little droppings. When cleaning up such mouse residual, be sure to wear masks and gloves and disinfect the area. Throw away any food that may be suspect of contamination. Other telltale signs are pieces of chewed wall, holes in baseboards and scratching inside walls.

If a mouse infestation is suspected, it is wise to call in an expert to rid the house of the mouse problem. The expert will first inspect the outside of the home and identify and close any points of entry for others waiting to get in. They will then take steps to eliminate mice already in the home with traps. If the expert proposes using a poisonous pesticide, be careful if you have pets and small children in the house.